Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Normal London Day

I would like to use yesterday as a "typical London day in the life of Jenon".

Due to all the food we consumed over the weekend in Dublin, Kathryn and I decided to walk to class. Okay, so we didn't walk ALL the way, but we were fairly close to our destination by the time we got on the Tube...

After a couple hours of learning about British culture and all about the government over here, I decided to walk back to Vandon. It was a nice, "I have no idea where I am at, but I am going to go with it and just wander around like I know where I am going" type walk.

I walked through Soho and Chinatown.

At one point I thought, "Oh, this is a busy corner." Then I turned around to see Piccadilly Circus. Who knew it was so close?

I got back to Vandon, put some running clothes on and decided to enjoy the nice day outside by running around in Hyde Park. It was beautiful running by the water!

After that I went to go get some groceries and browsed in a bookstore.

I came back to Vandon, and Allie, Kathryn and I made chicken casserole... which turned out to be more like chicken soup, but it was still delicious.

After that... tea, e-mails, reading and bedtime!

OH WAIT... I can't forget about this... I skyped with my mom and dad for the first time. And it was absolutely hilarious. The entire time my mom was holding up our cat Lucy to the webcam saying, "Dave, I am going to have so much fun with this!"

Another great day in London: Check.


  1. Jenon,
    Are you sure you should be running around London all by yourself? Can you not find a running partner? Please do not go out running by yourself at night! Lucy says Meow (hi)
