Thursday, May 7, 2009

What? Come Again?

I can't believe it.

Everyone told me before I left, 'Oh my goodness, Jenon, the time will just fly by.'

I'm not going to lie... there were a couple times I became angry at these people. I would think, 'Fast? What the heck... I am still here...'

Isn't that terrible?

Thankfully, those moments of uncertainty and homesickness were brief. I was distracted by a fascinating and bustling global city, and as if that wasn't enough... I also traveled to places I never thought I'd see.

I am now broke. But it is so worth it.

Things I have learned:

  • When I left on January 17, I was freaking out and worrying about getting to the airport ON TIME. WE WERE LATE. My dear dad got the worst of my unnecessary up-tightness. I would like to think that this experience has made me more relaxed. I worry less about things because nothing is ever going to be perfect. And life wouldn't be what it's meant to be without some bumps along the way.
  • Life is meant to be risky. God didn't intend for us to stay in a 'safety box' where we feel comfortable. I have had to remind myself of this many times - especially when I am stuck walking across London in the rain without an umbrella... and running into everyone on the crowded Central London streets. It's not comfortable to go to a new place without knowing anyone and having to learn a completely different way of life. It was a risk. I'm still somewhat surprised that I did it.
  • No one is limited. The world is always at your fingertips - it's just a matter of getting yourself to touch it. Many times, we are our own worst limitation.
  • I love my family and friends oh so very much. And what I am sick of the most... is always missing them. Tomorrow I will get to hug my parents and the boy, and thinking of that makes me well up with tears of excitement. I cannot wait. I cannot wait.
  • I would argue that the last couple days of this experience have been more challenging than the beginning days. I am so excited to see my loved ones and familiar faces, but I loved my life here in London. It has been a weird mix of emotions in the past week... excitement to be home and sadness for leaving a place that has taught me so much. I am greatly fond of this city, and London will be forever ingrained in who I am.
I could go on and on with the lessons I have learned... this has been the most fun, adventurous and challenging experience I have ever had.

And I am so glad I got to share my journey with you. ;)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So about that countdown...

I blame it on the weekend... And yesterday was a bank holiday here in London, so I blame my lack of blog entries on that.

I think I am on Day 3...

What I will miss: Today at work I held a door open for a man. It was no big deal at all since I was just opening the door to leave. He turned to me and said, "Hello. Thank you very much. That is very kind of you."

A simple 'Thanks' would suffice, but somehow the English manage to wrap so many polite words in such a few seconds time to make such elegant phrases. It is such a great ability.

I think I go over the top when I say, 'Thank you so much!'

What I am excited for: I can't stop thinking about burgers and steaks. Yum. Yum. Yum.


I cannot stop thinking about opening my closet to find more than two weeks worth of clothes. I can't wait to go shopping... in my very own room. YES YES YES.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 7

Day 7

What I will miss: Public transportation.

It is very convenient. I do like driving, but it is nice just to sit on the Tube or on a double-decker bus and enjoy the ride.

What I am excited for: Being healthy. Getting enough sleep. Not being sick.

With us always being on-the-go, I am healthy one day and sick the next! I never knew I enjoyed getting a full night's sleep so much until this semester. Sleep is so wonderful. I will also get to reduce the amount of Dayquil I take. Yes.