Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Political Happenings

Yesterday - 20/1

In celebration of President Obama's Inauguration, we were able to go through Maddam Tussaud's for free when we showed our American passport. They were displaying their newest star figure -- President Obama. Workers greeted us by saying, "Happy US Day!" and there was a long line to take a picture with Obama's replica. (Yes, I waited in line too... and then got a picture with George W. Bush.) There were reporters everywhere interviewing people about how much they love Obama.

"The Obama Effect" is easy to see in London -- I think people actually like Americans right now. I have to admit, I liked Obama yesterday because he got me into a gaudy tourist attraction for free!

On the tube last night, a man on duty even greeted us by saying, "YES, WE CAN!"


  1. What an experience! Learn as much as you can! Soak it all in!

  2. That comment was from me,Jenon...forgot to add my name,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So you got the job then? Hope it works out for you and you love it! By the way, I laughed out loud about the comment on the tube guy, haha.
