Monday, March 30, 2009

A Girls Weekend in Spain

This past Thursday, Allie, Kathryn, Erin and I made the trek to Barcelona, Spain.

My journey started off slightly rough, as I got pinkeye in both eyes the day before we left. How convenient. But the pinkeye was nothing. Heathrow Security on the other hand... I have got some beef with them.

We were THANKFULLY flying British Airways, so we were four excited American girls getting ready to fly out of Heathrow. We waited in the loooonnnngggg line of security, and when it was finally our turn a security man pointed out that I had a titch of water left in my waterbottle. (Now, I fully realize that this was stupid of me to have water in the first place, but I am usually so prepared!)

He told me, "I am going to have to make you drink this when you are on the other side of security." I said, "Oh, okay. Thank you!"

He even put my gorgeous Camelback Iowa State waterbottle in its own tray. Not ONE minute later, I passed through security, was gathering my things and the same guy told me, "You are going to have to go back downstairs to throw this water away."

Excuse me? You mean all the way back down stairs, then back upstairs to wait in a freakishly long line to go through security again (even though I had just done it)?


I tried to ask if he could just dump the water out. No. Then I asked if he could just throw the waterbottle away because I would not have enough time to do all that.

And then he chucked it across the security area into a rubbish bin. He was such a jerk about it. VERY RUDE.

And then I started crying.

And in an attempt to have the last word, I said - in a really mean voice with all the security workers watching me - "That was my FAVORITE waterbottle!"

I know. I really showed him. Don't mess with a girl and her hydration.

And yes, then I cried some more.

No worries, I recovered before even boarding the plane.

We landed in Barcelona and it took us about three hours just to get to the apartment where we were staying. We were exhausted when we finally got to our slightly dodgy neighborhood for the next three nights. We finally found the door, but since it was an apartment building, there was no front desk. Just a door. And no one there. Unfortunately, our cell phones weren't working either.

The girls started walking away to try to find a pay phone, but I just started hitting random buttons. I buzzed apartment 1a, and a nice, older lady came out on her patio, speaking in Spanish. We don't know what she said, but she let us in!

So now what? We are just in this random building, standing on the tiny staircase leading up to locked apartments.

Apartment 1a Lady had pink and red hair with a smelly, barking dog by her feet. We tried our best to use what Espanol vocabulary we remembered. (I took four years of Spanish in high school, and I have to be honest... Senora Yoder would not be proud of me.)

The nice Spanish women couldn't understand a word we were trying to say, so she called up the staircase for Juan to come help. Meanie Juan never came down.

Instead our favorite Spanish lady phoned the right person, and in a few minutes time we were in our apartment. Thank goodness we didn't have to sleep on the street!

The next day was beautiful out, so we walked around for a little bit before heading to the beach. We laid there all day - with our clothes on because it wasn't terribly warm, but it was still wonderful! After the beach, we went and had some sangria - so tasty! At night we cooked our own dinner back at our place and relaxed, taking in the Spanish environment around us.

On Saturday it rained all day. (I thought we left London??) We still walked around and saw all of Gaudi's architectural masterpieces. La Sagrada Familia was awesome, and I never would have thought, as a senior in high school learning about this place, that I would see it in person someday.

We walked down one of the main streets - La Rambla - and found an amazing market. I have never seen such perfect fruits and veggies. And no worries - there was ice cream there as well!

We also walked around the harbor area quite a bit since our apartment was just two blocks away from the beach.

At night we went out to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. I know, I know. Very American. But it definitely still had Spanish flair!

After dinner? You guessed it! More walking around. Only with a stronger downpour and a fierce wind. (My shoes are still drying out...)

We thought we deserved more ice cream for enduring such harsh conditions.

After ice cream, back to the apartment to pack.

Sunday morning we took a taxi back to the Airport, and we journeyed back to London!

Our initial reaction once we were back in London: "Ohhhh, Brrrr! It's chilly!"

It was a great weekend in Spain with many laughs, and I have had to fight the urge to say "Hola!" and "Gracias!" since being back in England...

1 comment:

  1. Jenon,
    I just got caught up with your blog, we have been on Spring Break. You do a great job with your writing and what a wonderful experience!!! President Obama and other world leaders are in London for the economic summit, do you have any different responsibilities in the next few days? We are seeing some demonstrations on the news. Keep us posted.
