Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So about that countdown...

I blame it on the weekend... And yesterday was a bank holiday here in London, so I blame my lack of blog entries on that.

I think I am on Day 3...

What I will miss: Today at work I held a door open for a man. It was no big deal at all since I was just opening the door to leave. He turned to me and said, "Hello. Thank you very much. That is very kind of you."

A simple 'Thanks' would suffice, but somehow the English manage to wrap so many polite words in such a few seconds time to make such elegant phrases. It is such a great ability.

I think I go over the top when I say, 'Thank you so much!'

What I am excited for: I can't stop thinking about burgers and steaks. Yum. Yum. Yum.


I cannot stop thinking about opening my closet to find more than two weeks worth of clothes. I can't wait to go shopping... in my very own room. YES YES YES.

1 comment:

  1. What I will miss...your updates that just crack me up some days! You tell the stories so well and it makes me want to travel across the pond! We will all be glad to have you home, Jenon. Safe travels. See you Sunday!
