Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just Days Away From Being a City Girl

I always thought I would go to London because either Prince Harry or Prince William wanted to marry me. (I was pushing more for Prince William. He's smart, less wild and still has the rosy cheeks.) Things didn't turn out that way, but I am still crossing the pond to - what I've heard - is a great place... princes or no princes.

In a couple days I will leave the Midwest to live for four months in a major global city. I am excited to make London my new home, but it hasn't hit me yet that I will be packing my life up in two suitcases and living on my own in a foreign country. It is both nerve-wrecking and liberating at the same time!

I made my decision to study abroad in London last year over spring break. I had been debating between Norway or London for quite some time at that point. My sister student taught in Norway, and since I seem to follow my sister's lead quite often, (Iowa State, AGD, etc.) London would surely be my own experience. A PBS special about London came on as my family flipped through the TV stations, and right there I thought, "London it is!" Plus we all know how I am absolutely fascinated with British accents.

So with that I made the necessary research and plans, and this Saturday I am off to a city that is modern but still rich in history.

I will be going through Central College, and living in the hotel they own called Vandon House. The best part about this place? Buckingham Palace, Parliament, Westminster Abbey and other amazing sights are close in my neighborhood.

I am excited to explore a part of the world... and probably get lost a couple times while doing so. Stay tuned for updates, stories and thoughts from across the pond!

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